
What is H.I.I.T., the One Minute Weight Loss Routine?

You may have heard about High Intensity Interval Training (H.I.I.T.) on the news or in social media. There are commercials also promoting devices that can help you achieve this kind of one minute weight loss routine. The premise of this type of work out is that you don't need to go hard for a full thirty minutes to see results. In fact, you can alternate between short bursts of sprints and then other less intense work-outs. The effectiveness of these workouts lie in the one minute all out mentality. Let's dive a little deeper into H.I.I.T.  The intense part of the workout is called anaerobic exercise. The point of this minute or so is to cause lactate to form. That's why you have to be all in. You need to go hard enough for this substance to form. But the good news is that it's not 20 minutes or so of this. It's just a couple of seconds to two minutes. It may seem like a long time but you can build up to it. If you are really out of shape, you c

The Best Way to Start a Keto Diet

Starting a  Keto diet  can seem challenging in the beginning and many people lose motivation and get lost along the way. Reading this will be a sure fire way to give you the confidence you need to not only start a Keto diet, but see it through too. It can actually be very fun and easy when done correctly so follow the tips below to make sure you do it right and enjoy the process. The biggest mistake people make with the Keto diet is not being organized. There is no way to be successful if you just rely on opening up the fridge each day and making do with what you have in there. This is the quickest way to failure and giving up, but does not have to happen with the proper guidance. Giving up is a real shame, because when you stick to it, the Keto diet can produce some amazing results. Some of the most noted results that you can experience include: • Your body will burn fat much faster • It drastically reduces your blood sugar and insulin levels • Your appeti

Keto Rules for Beginners: The First Four Weeks

One of the less discussed aspects of taking up the  keto diet  is how difficult the first three weeks can be. Everyone setting out on their keto journey has to endure the transition from a ‘standard’ carbohydrate heavy eating regimen to one based on fats and leafy greens. Gaining a state of ketosis can be tough for some people (and a breeze for others!) and there’s simply no way of dodging the discomfort should you be one of the unlucky ones. However, there are numerous tips that can help to make the passage considerably smoother. Over this article, we’ll discuss how to survive those essential and unavoidable first three weeks. Research & Plan Ahead Most people who fall by the wayside during the early days are those who just dive into their keto diet head first. For ketosis to work, you need to understand not just the physiological changes that your body will experience but also – crucially – what foods must be drastically reduced. Fortunately, there are v

This diet plan is different to any other diet you have ever done

              Carrying excess pounds that get you down? Sugar cravings out of control? Lacking in energy? It's time to stop this downward spiral and take control of your life! Follow this meal plan for just 7 days, and you can lose weight healthily and keep it off, all without cravings! My new 7 DAY DIET PLAN will help you reach your ideal weight, dramatically improve your health and gain energy naturally. This diet plan is different to any other diet you have ever done. Why? Because it incorporates my invention the Green Thickie which is a full meal Green Smoothie. Have you heard how green smoothies help you to easily eat more fruit and leafy green goodness? They do wonders for your health. I’ve been drinking them for years and they are my secret weapon to sustained weight loss and vibrant health. The Green Thickie is a meal replacement green smoothie which ensures you get enough energy to keep you going until your next meal. And since I started sharing

What is the Neuro Slimmer System?

It is an undeniable fact that people are now more conscious about their figures than they were in the past. Many people think that slimming is all about cutting down your diet and taking slimming supplements, but it’s not what you probably think. It doesn’t involve dieting and deprivation. To shed those extra pounds and to get back your shape, there are certain changes that you must bring to your lifestyle. As slimming down has become a trend these days, many people are also opting for slimming pills, slimming tea, surgeries and rigorous weight loss exercises. But before you choose any of the above mentioned methods, you must know that not choosing the right way to slim down can cost you. So choosing the right way to get rid of those extra pounds is really important. And this is when the Neuro Slimmer System helps you achieve the results. It is undoubtedly the best, tested and proven method to get the figure you have always dreamt of, that too in a safest and ef

7 second ritual melts 62 pounds of fat

Hi, I shared this simple 7 second ritual with one of my clients a couple of month ago. She had been struggling with her weight pretty much all her life. And seemed to be stuck in a perpetual limbo of weight loss, weight gain, weight loss, weight gain... But when she started doing THIS 7 second daily ritual things rapidly changed... She had fast fat loss from her hips, thighs face and arms. While enjoying an increase in energy and zest for life. She also had a youthful glow to her skin that she hadn't seen in years. >> Try This Simple 7 Second Daily Ritual For Yourself Here Hope this helps you too I'm confident it will! Alexandra  

Weird Keto “Hack” Method Burns Fat Overnight (Video Tutorial Included)

Until recently, if you wanted to slim down, you would need to hire a personal trainer and a nutritionist… You would need to cut your calories, stick to a strict diet, and exercise more. Let’s face it, losing weight that way is pure torture!  And between the personal trainer, gym membership, expensive healthy foods, prepping your meals, and spending hours at the gym, it can be expensive and time-consuming! But if you’re reading this right now, then you already know that Keto is the best and fastest way to get a rocking body. The Keto diet also supports your brain in various ways and aids your mental clarity, memory, and energy levels. It is also one of the best diets to reduce heart disease risk and help to manage and even reverse diabetes type-2. Impressive, don't you agree?   But staying on the Keto diet is hard. Eat anything you’re not supposed to, and you’re thrown out of ketosis, which will bring your weight loss to a screeching halt! The only way to get back on track, is